Several stock requests for ISA Invest

Hey - Some of them won’t be able to be added but some of them might. I can at least give you an indication of what’s not possible and someone from T212 can give you a response for others.

ISO Energy - ISO - No, it’s on the Canadian exchange
Boss Energy - BQSSF - maybe, I think it will depend on the volume
Stillwater Critical Metals - PGEZF - maybe, I think it will depend on the volume
Nova Royalty - NOVF - did you mean NOVRF? Doesn’t appear to be penny stock exempt
Discovery Silver - DSVSF - maybe, I think it will depend on the volume
Liberty Gold - LGD - No, Canadian exchange and the OTC version isn’t penny stock exempt
Reyna Silver - RSLV - No, Canadian listing only
Goldmining Inc - GLDG - Doesn’t appear to be penny stock exempt
Silver One - SVE - No, Canadian listing only
Metallic Minerals - MMG - No, Canadian listing only
Blackrock Silver - BRC - No, Canadian listing only

No guarantees I’m 100 % correct but 212 don’t have access to the canadian exchange.
Here’s the criteria that need to be met to be eligible for addition: Stocks & ETFs requests Help - Stocks & ETFs requests - Trading 212 Community

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