SPACs to add - $IPOD $IPOE & $IPOF

As the headline suggests, can T212 please add:



DC7 :+1: :+1: :+1:


I dont think their common shares are available yet

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They’re all listed on Yahoo Finance with different pricing…?

$IPOD - Yahoo

@Joey_Fantana Any idea about IPOD common shares?

Completely missed all of those IPOs! Apologies, when did they go live?

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Not sure but adding them would be great :+1:

I’ll put them on the SPAC list but you’ll need to check Interactive Brokers or the SEC filings to determine when the units should split.

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How long do they take to go live would you estimate?

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Hence why I was asking when they IPO’d. If you can work out the 52 day mark, you have a rough idea of when the common stock should be available.

You could also just check the SEC website for 8-Ks and review them for the relevant information.

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For info:

Ticker: IPOD
Stock Exchange: NYSE
Industry: Blank Checks / SPAC
Unique Identifier NYSE: IPOD
IPO Date: October 9, 2020

IPOE and IPOF appear to be the same date.

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I’m interested in these too. I’m guessing the shares should be available quite soon based on the ipo date.

+1 from me. Add IPOD, IPOE, IPOF please
Chamath SPAC. who has a proven track record in bringing a company together to merge succesfully. With the SPACs stock getting there earlier before the target is announced might be a crucial factor.

Hi All,

Reminder on this. Thanks

All now added folks. :eyes:

Can they be added as p fractional shares to so they can be added to my SPAC pie

It is already available since a while ago.

I have noticed IPOF is added as a fractional share. Can IPOD and IPOE also be added as fractional shares so they can be added to a SPAC pie.

Thanks in advance. Loving all the updates

Hey @Pavit. I’m not staff so can’t fractionalise anything - you’ll need to request this under a new Topic maybe and tag the team. :+1:t2:

They are working to get all stocks fractional by end of Q1 though.

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