Stop Loss Strategy

My Stop Loss Strategy
  • I day trade and always use a stop loss
  • I swing trade and always use a stop loss.
  • I’m a longer term investor and always use a stop loss.
  • I day trade and never use a stop loss
  • I swing trade and never use a stop loss.
  • I’m a longer term investor and never use a stop loss.

0 voters

I’m interested in hearing what your stop loss strategy is:

And if possible your reasons behind this.

You’ve only stipulated always and never.

What about ‘sometimes’, or ‘it depends’…?

Feel free to write it here :slight_smile: I think the 6 options will apply to most people but perhaps I’m wrong. If it’s sometimes, what are the reasons for doing it versus not doing it?

Most commonly forgetfulness… :wink: but sometimes higher conviction in some investments over others.

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I would like to be able to have a stop loss for some speculative investments to limit any down side and also tighten that stop loss when they shoot upwards. It would be a great tool to have


Stops already exist, but I guess what you want is a trailing stop.

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Yes that’s the one, a trailing stop loss would be great


Thanks everyone for your votes and feedback. It’s been very useful :slight_smile: