Strong drop in the stock market

it is an additional cost to pay larger spread, but if you expect the market to fall more during US trading hours then it could be a good opportunity anyway.

You bet I do expect a sell-off today, buckle up :wink:


Nikkei falls again today… are we going to experience a bearish week?


Dunno the FTSE is up 1% today already so :thinking:


Wouldn’t be surprised by a bounce similar to the last time a new variant materialised. Drop didn’t last long, a day or so.

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I would love if it can fall for 2 or 3 days… I am waiting for my salary (to buy) LOL


Oh don’t worry you would see much further drop with time.

Going by how the delta variant started in the UK - it started by small number pocket number of cases in England and Scotland then went full scale UK wide before the rest of the world then joined.

Omicron seems to be following the same pattern, unless the world adopts a completely different approach used on delta variant i would imagine a similar outcome on the hospitalization figures, lockdowns and stock market reaction

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I don’t remember Delta having much effect on the markets?


Which variant had much effect on the markets?

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The Alpha variant was presumably the worst

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yes, I think the same.
I first variant make -30% on the market… nothing similar have been observed with the following ones.

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I think we can all agree or maybe disagree that the Alpha variant had the most effect, however the delta variant still had much effect on the stock market

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Alpha definitely had an effect, the markets were obliterated overnight.

I remember stocks absolutely surging once Delta was found in early August time.

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When I see the closing price of the Nikkei, I think we’re going to have another bearish day.

1- The shorter ones wake up!!!
2- The longer ones tighten the buttocks a little :joy:

Anyone with prediction of Market movement for Monday 6th Dec GMT - upwards or downwards trend?

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Nikkei closed with a small loss and cryptos are still bearish… not easy to predict but it seem that another bearish day is coming

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Well, let the hunger games begin and may the odds be in our favour :wink:


Strong drop?? What strong drop?

Fintech and speculative growth is crashing. The rest is steady, market hasn’t even dropped 5% yet.


It is not a good comparison, isn’t it? You cannot compare the drop of high volatile, growth stock and the drop of the market. It is the same thing with comparing leverage stock in CFD with unleveraged stock. The Bond market, Gold commodity relativly do not drop at all if using the same comparison. For that reason it is good to have the combination of them, to hedge one to each other, to hedge against market volatility.

High growth stock is much more volatile than the market. So, unless they already close to the bottom, they will drop more than the market. But when they recover they also recover with multiplier compare to the market.

I wouldn’t say that’s strictly true, we obviously don’t have a crystal ball, but at some point some of these high growth companies will fizzle out.

The reason I say this is that there are just too many to survive, some with low/no revenue, let alone earnings. With that said, this is a good opportunity to hopefully get the stronger ones at a reasonable price.

I’m holding tight until Jan, then I’ll look at square more as an example.