Tesla stock split

by tomorrow close more like :wink:

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By tomorrow open more like…


By after hours closes more like…


No I stg the way Things are at the minute, Tesla will end up in the red by tomorrow night :roll_eyes:

Waiting for 6k to happen before the 5:1 split… 🤦

elon tweet could show up at anytime…so look out…

when will the actual refund / split take place? Is there a date / time?

28th August according to original post in this thread

Be ready on 31st to buy 80% TSLA dip :partying_face:

Because hooders will be :slight_smile:

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I wouldn’t be surprised if there is a short squeeze, probably still many people shorting tesla and this stock split will catch them out.


I’m scared about buying back in, like what if the stocks goes up really quickly and we’re stuck buying in a good few percent higher between the sale and buying back in. Plus I’ll probably just be putting a market order in and hope I don’t get shit on. Not used to these big buys


if i see a spike ima sell out in profit. And re-buy after split i guess. Not sure yet what to do, too tired to think rn. I’ll analyze tomorrow and update my comment on here.


How come other trading platforms on cfd too shows it 1374, am I missing something here

I’ve seen comments like this when Tesla was $500, $600, $700, $900, $1000, $1200, $1300, $1400.

Surely you must have put a few dollars in Tesla to go along for the ride at some stage.

Does anyone know what happens to CFDs when Tesla does the reverse stonk split?


NKLA to the moon :rocket: :rocket: :rocket:

Question, I have a few full shares of TSLA, will the split automatically x4 my shares? Or will they be sold and I’ll have to buy them all up again?

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If you have full shares, they will be split normally. Only fractions of shares will be sold and added to free funds.

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I presume your stock will be split depending on the amount of whole shares you own. With furthermore any subsequent fractional shares on top of your whole shares will be allocated to free funds?


Exactly. See this thread for details as to how the split will be handled - I know it’s Apple-related but the same processes will occur;

So my Tesla fractional shares will all be sold and Tesla removed from my pie? I have Tesla as the highest % in my pie and only have fractional shares so is this what will happen?