Trading 212 - LIDR - request stock holdings

Hi -

I would like to own more AEYE stock - ticker LIDR

can this please be done? i want to DCA on my position please - cannot own more than 9900 - please respond - can we increase this to 20000?



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can anyone look into this please? really would like to be able to buy more

Done :ok_hand: We increased the stock’s limits to 43 925.

Can we increase the number of shares on ticker $lqr please?

Hi -

I would like to own more lqr stock - ticker $lqr

can this please be done? Think can only buy 4750 shares, would like to own more



Hey, Abid :wave:

I’ve forwarded your request, and will get back to you as soon as I have an update :pray:

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We increased the maximum order size to 47831. Enjoy :ok_hand:

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