I used my VISA so far for deposits but don’t want to run into the new fee for credit card deposit >2k.
But the bank information that T212 provides does not work:
Bank name: Barclays Bank PLC,
Bank address: London, England,
Beneficiary name: Trading 212 UK Limited,
IBAN: GB45BARC20199075112111,
Account number: 75 1121 11,
Sort code: 20-19-90,
Currency: CHF
Both my bank and Transferwise tell me that SEPA payments can only be in EUR. That would be a royal pain, because then my bank applies their horrible rates unless I do the extra roundtrip through Transferwise.
I could transfer in CHF, but that would mean insane 19 CHF (16gbp) and likely result in an chf-eur-chf conversion anyway.
PS: The BIC is incomplete, it should probably be BARCGB22XXX.
The XXX is optional and depends on the software used to handle such codes. Sometimes you can use 5 digits and sometimes you must add XXX. The XXX refers to the bank’s head office and this is usually assumed if XXX is omitted.
Thanks, I suspected as much but it’s annoying that I have to figure it out.
Doesn’t solve my main concern though, that it is impossible to transfer anything but EUR to a UK bank from Switzerland or the EU.
Pies do not take money from the free funds, they require a transfer. It means that smaller transfers are inefficient with T212 and I begin to wonder whether I have to switch to another broker just because T212 does not provide useful ways to deposit funds.
It would be nice to have accounts in various countries, like Revolut has! Then it’s the broker’s problem to get the money to the UK or wherever.
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