Way to find our own posts on mobile forums

Hi. If I post something on the mobile community forums it is impossible to find previous posts. Thus if I post something and a while later want to update it I can’t find my own post.

Could you consider a feature that allows us to view our own posts? If we look at a post and click on another user’s icon we can see their profile, the number of posts they’ve made, the number of followers… and we can see all of their posts but we can’t do the same for ourselves (except if we find a post that we’ve created or commented on and click our own icon). It would be useful to be able to see our own profile from a standard place (ie menu or a button on the social page/screen)

Hey, @WakeMeUp :wave:

I assume you’re referring to comments under posts rather than posts, as you can already view other users’ posts and your own posts. You can check your own posts by clicking on your profile picture at the top left and selecting the ‘Feed’ button.

We recently introduced a ‘Community’ search bar, and we definitely see how expanding the feature to allow you to search for posts, comments, and other users can be useful. Rest assured that we’ll keep developing the Social, and expanding the search function is definitely on our to-do list.

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Thank you very much for the reply. I didn’t realise that the icon on the top left of the “feed” page was clickable. That makes so much sense - so I was obviously being dumb

edit: some better search facilities would be good because I know I posted about a couple of companies recently and when I tried to search for the company name or ticker using the search box at the top of the “communities” page nothing came up

I’m glad what I mentioned was of use :smile:

Currently, you can use the search bar only to find an existing community group, which is why the search comes empty when looking for a specific ticker or a company that doesn’t have its own Social group. I definitely agree with your feedback, though, and we’ll consider making further improvements :raised_hands: