What's in your SIPP

Hello Seasoned Inventors

So I have just opened a SIPP, mainly because am now hitting a certain threshold whereby the tax pain is getting unbearable, hence with salary sacrifice that has been set up, some of those pains can be alleviated/delayed by moving money into SIPP (legal).

Am aware pensions is capped at Β£60k per year which can be back dated for the last 3 years giving a Β£180k leeway to play with

For those that have got SIPP, what does your portfolio consist of? I have got 20 years plus on myside.

Thank you

You want the cheapest 100% equity most likely. HMWO, VWRP possibly - depends on your platform fees given the 20+ year timeframe. Both of these ETFs are missing some markets, and private investment as well.

I just follow the most aggressive auto managed pension package wherever I work.


Global all cap OEIC and 1% cash.

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Thanks for clarifying :joy::rotating_light:


40% of mine’s in a global tracker and the other 60%'s in investment trusts.

I like trusts as they can borrow which should result in outperformance in the long haul.

And you can buy them at a discount. With SMT currently, for example, you can effectively buy Β£1 worth of stocks like ASML for nearer 80p.


You’re another fan of ITs - I’m currently taking another look at FCIT - long term its performance profile is similar/better to VWRL, and it’s back trading around a 10% discount. I can bide my time until that narrows to sell :slight_smile:


Ok its fees are 0.54% vs 0.22%, but I’m happy to bite at these levels!

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I invest into L&G MT Global Developed Equity Index Fund through my employer. It has a low fund charge of 0.1%.

It probably underperforms but I get tax releif at source so dont need to faff around claiming back tax from HMRC.


Very good suggestions, i have already got global equity in ISA

So am thinking this to increase my exposure to Europe ex UK

Also what is the difference between sampling and full replication?

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In a nutshell, the ETF buys some of the index as a proxy rather every stock.

FEV, a Europe trust, is worth a look as is MTE which focuses on small caps on the continent.