@Vedran Thanks, I will have a look at them
. Currently staying away from the Aerospace manufacturing/design sector due to the potential for companies freezing their plane requests, I do intend to invest a bit in Airlines, I think they will bounce back sooner. Real Estates are a good one as long the housing market, retail (if shops close) or even the market for offices does not collapse (which could happen if companies move towards working from home, I guess it depends on rental agreements and timeframes), I think some exposure to this is good but keeping it under tight scrutiny. From a quick look Emerson Electric seems good. Enbridge lookes good also, just to note that according to the balance sheet on T212 it has very limited Cash and Equivalents on its Balance Sheet.
With regards to the banks, do any of you think something similar may happen in the USA/Europe where the banks may go into a downward spiral?
I seem to remember that that has been happening in Japan for the last 10-20 years, which I guess could now be caused globally by low interest rates reducing profits as well as an increase in “bad debt”.
@laguiar I agree, I actually follow both of them particularly the “Invest in what you understand”. Regarding the research, i always research but lately I have potentially been a bit too focussed on cash and debt (%), the details of which are usually based on the end of 2019 balance sheet which is probably already out of date (particularly for the cash).
I must admit I struggle to find sigificant use to the P/E ratio, it varies alot between companies. I only find it useful when comparing very similar companies accross an industry eg. Telecomm providers, but broadly speaking it rarely is the defining factor for my investment, except when looking at investments in the USA (where I am even more cautious due to my reduced knowledge of the general circumstances at ay one time and of particular markets). Any thoughts (from anyone) on P/E ratio (and others) and how to improve my analysis/research of companies and decision?
I have had investments in stocks in the past, but I have only recently returned to investing in stocks. My other and new mantra for investing is “diversify” in companies, sectors and geographies, but yes, I also follow yours laguiar. On this topic, I was looking at some companies in the health sector/pharmaceuticals, but I do not understand their business model and Growth so I have been very reluctant to invest in them, on the other hand I have been considering a sector ETF, due to Covid-19 potentially leading to increased demand, but I have not made a decision to invest yet as I feel like the risk is quite high due to my limited knowledge of the sector.
And yes, the question was general. If anyone has any more companies they feel are currently good investments then please mention, and if possible why
I am currently awaiting a significant market drop prior to re-starting my investments (progressively, around 5-12% a week over a period of around 3 months) to try and hedge out Covid-19 related variations and get a good average price. I might miss out if the market starts to rise again without falling significantly, but it is a risk that I have decided to take.
Also, has anyone seen the latest from Trump?
It is not a Tweet, but it is still very surprising for a President of any country to just suggest something like that in a press conference… I do not think it helps as it may mislead the general public.
Coronavirus: Outcry after Trump suggests injecting disinfectant as treatment