Where is Pie investing from desktop web app?

Is pie investing only for mobile app? That’s the only guide I see in the official doc. Is there a way to do this on the desktop app?

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Did you try on desktop? When you do, a pop up msssage tells you that pies are not yet available there but that it will be coming.

Ah ok thanks. I couldn’t even find it on the desktop app.

Hmm… it turns out I can’t find the create pie button even on the mobile app… Where can I find this? Do I need to fund the account first? I thought I would fund it after I create the pies.

You only see it when you are part of the beta testers. Release will be soon for all investors. Guess they will release the desktop version together with it.

Have you signed up for the beta? If so you will see a pie tab like this.

Go to the bottom. There is + sign for starting a new pie.

Sign up here

Thanks for that. I just signed up for the beta now.

its still not there and its now 7 months later!..

@Dao Have fed back… as I think I am correct… The condesention of the response is not good. The ability to creat pies is there on the desktop version… but please explain where on the desktop beta version you can see other peoples pies, or duplicate one that someone has done?

@tradingtim you are very late to the party, pie investing has been around for quite a while now…

check your url has /beta on the end of it, or go into the menu and make sure you have the new advanced UI activated.

unless you are a master of the unwritten word, nowhere in this topic or your post was there mention of pie sharing or library. you stated on a topic about pie investing that it wasn’t there still. don’t complain about a reply being condescending when you didn’t say what you meant and got a reply you didn’t want.