Which China ETF to choose between Class A and all share classes?

Hi, for long-term investment in China, would you prefer an ETF focused on A-shares (domestic market) or a more general ETF covering all types of stocks (like iShares MSCI China)?

Personally, Iโ€™m undecided because A-shares are more representative of the Chinese market, but from what I understand, these companies are smaller, less capitalized, and often not focused on technology. On the other hand, an ETF tracking a more general index includes the major international players (like Xiaomi, Alibaba, etc.), has a technology focus, the companies are more capitalized, but over the past five years, it has performed significantly worse than an index with only A-shares.

I would go for iShares MSCI China. It will be a lot more liquid and covers all the stocks.

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I also thought about this, but the Chinese market works a bit differently from the markets of developed countries, because itโ€™s subject to significant government intervention. โ€˜Aโ€™ shares are smaller, but they are the most โ€˜protectedโ€™ by the government and offer more diversification compared to other types of shares, which are more correlated with the international economy.

I would also consider active funds such as FCSS or buying a handful of Chinese stocks instead.

ETFs are great for many things but Iโ€™m unconvinced by a passive approach to emerging markets.

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Iโ€™m also considering active funds but from what I see on T212 there are few funds available, the fund you suggest is unfortunately only in pounds, and I live in the Eurozoneโ€ฆ