Winners & losers for your portfolio

I think it would be helpful if there was a feature similar to the Hot List, where I can see in my portfolio and the winners and losers when it comes to my positions? Eg, in the last 7 days, these are your top 10 stocks that have grown the most/lost the most in value.





Takes you to the portfolio page.


Yup, some kind of automated portfolio insights - this should be a feature request.


I really want this feature I’m always looking through trying to see which of my stocks have gained and lost. It would be so valuable and relatively easy to do I would have thought! How do we get this added and upvoted?!

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@Saulreal not all of us would like reminders of our bad stock picks. :sweat_smile:

You could either skim your current holdings, or check out the realised losses on any sales.

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Isn’t it the case that todays “loosers” can become tomorrows “winners” and vice versa or am i missing the point of this feature?

At least it would be great to SORT the portfolio from by Profit/Loss in multiple timeframes


This would be a really useful feature – a view of each stock’s performance in the last 24 hours (or since last close etc…).

It can’t be just me that looks at my portfolio valuation in the morning, which has often either jumped or plunged at the start of trading, and thinks “OK which of my stocks has moved a lot” and has to check each one individually to find out.

You’ve got the thumbs up from me, but we’ll have to see what the rest of the team has to say.

I’ll pass the suggestion for consideration, and I’ll let you guys know how it goes :ok_hand: