Withdrawing to a different account

I initially started to invest with a debit card, I then started to deposit through my credit card just due to balancing my accounts and knowing what’s in and out and where.

Upon further realising that Trading 212 does not let you withdraw the funds to different account you deposited with, I understand the policy around security but their must be some level of flexibility around this to get the funds withdrawn to a current account ? Spoke to support doesn’t seem to help?

As I don’t want to withdraw to my credit card, it now does not come up with my debit card, I rather withdraw any funds to a debit card is their a way to change the options that come up for withdrawals?

Has anyone had this issue and if so what have you done to resolve this?


One thing to note, using some Credit Cards for withdrawal(refund*) can bare fees, so hopefully you did DD before using CC and checked that you wouldn’t be charged Fee by your CC house…


Actually it is more in question how it is proceeded, if you deposit 1000$ via CC, then you have gains and total value of 1700$, if it is possible to withdraw more than original 1000$ back to CC, how it is processed if you want to withdraw 1700$, as far as I know transaction to withdraw to Credit Card is payback, not sure if it can be more then original transaction(s).

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Did you sort the above issue? Was T212 team of any help?

I have just had the exact same issue. Their system’s auto-selection of where the withdrawn funds get sent to means we don’t know where it’s gonna end up. Had to contact my bank to get them to transfer the credit balance to my current account which apparently takes another 4 working days so I’m looking at roughly a week just to be able to access my funds. The fact that we cannot have our credit card details removed without hassle to avoid the delays is insane. Also, why would we ask our bank to issue a formal letter to T212 stating that the card is no longer active when all we want to do is remove the card details from T212 system and continue using the card as normal? 5% of my funds went to current account and 95% went to credit balance.

Thought I’d give it a try again today. I tried to withdraw before and after removing the credit card details myself to see if it makes any difference. The one before got processed and was sent to credit card (according to their help team) but the 2nd one was held up. Only after mentioning this to him, he offered to cancel it and he asked his colleague to send it to my debit card.

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I didn’t think you could use credit cards anyway

Someone had a solution for that. I use to accounts to add money to T212. So when I withdraw I use to select which one I want the money goes. Now they just send it with no choice. I assume as I add money with 2 accounts I think is secure enough to withdraw too, am I wrong? #help

Only solution I got from t212 was close the credit card you can’t specify where it goes unfortunately.

Had to send evidence of the credit card closures when I decided to close them it’s a really long and tedious issue.

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