200+ new stocks every week

@AlexK @David What happened to this? By my calculations, there should be at least 1200 new stocks on the platform by now but I donā€™t think that is the caseā€¦

There are 900+ new. Last two weeks we couldnā€™t add new stocks. We will compensate by adding more in the following weeks.


@George Thanks! My bad, I was looking at the stocks number which on my app shows as 2458 and 395 ETF total. what is the total stock volume now?

About 958 stocks were added in 4x week batches plus many fractionals afaikā€¦


Sorry to bring this up as I am sure you are being bombarded with similar queries. Just wondered if Fractional Share requests were still being completed as well as new stocks? I requested several in Febuary but still they havenā€™t been made Fractional so cannot use them in my Pie Beta tests.

I know all stocks are planned to be made fractional by Q3 but could not find anywhere any info on if the current Fractional requests have been stopped until then?

The Tickers I requested in Feb were:


Thanks in advance for any info you may be able to share :+1:t2:

Why are fractional shares in such high demand for companies with share values lower than $100??

The current number should be ~3900.

I understand your confusion about the counters on the directories. Unfortunately, when new stocks get added they do not get automatically categorised to a search folder. Itā€™s a manual process and currently we are prioritising adding new stocks over categorising.

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Pies, a stock canā€™t be added if itā€™s not fractional.

Are pies available on the android version? How do I create one? There is no option on the portfolio section

Press the pies tab. Then there is a + button to start the creation of a new pie.

No I donā€™t have this. Only my portfolio and not + button

Itā€™s still in BETA so you must sign up

@hmodh Adding new stocks is on hold at the moment, the focus from now on will be to add fractional shares, which will also heavily compliment the AutoInvest feature. Expect new additions next week.


@david if you can prioritise Illumina and Wayfair next week, Iā€™ll be your best friend.

Cheers and have a good weekend.


Glad to hear it, agree itā€™s the way to go. ILMN, MELI, NOW and LITE seem to be among the most frequently requested fractionals.


I second this. Please prioritize especially ILMN & MELI as theyā€™re both highly priced and needs to be in our pies! :slight_smile:

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If I were 212 I would be careful here. Freetrade, as everyone here knows, is a shitty app in comparison to 212. But they do have stocks that 212 doesnā€™t and that provides a reason to keep assets at FT rather than 212. So while I would welcome more fractionals to improve the pies feature, I would be wary of 212 concentrating on this at the expense of adding new stocks ā€“ freetrade has got some momentum up lately on this and it is about the only way they could put a brake on 212ā€™s progress


I follow both lists quite frequently, Freetrade has about 20 stocks that arenā€™t on T212, whilst T212 has about 2000 that arenā€™t on Freetrade. :sweat_smile:

But yes I hope T212 are figuring out a solution where by they stop taking requests in a forum, and start collecting them via app/website so that they can instantly see whatā€™s in demand and then you get instant notification once added. Add in a voting system to +1 requests etc

Same goes for fractional, have a small button on the stock that says request fractional. That would give instant feedback to T212 and once it goes over a threshold gets done.


Trading212 and Freetrade donā€™t need to be arch rivals, theyā€™re both great challengers in this industry going against the incumbents. Both their success is good for us consumersā€¦ if you have no investment stake (equity) in either Trading212 nor Freetrade as companies, itā€™s misguided to disparage either imho.

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I agree and there are loads of other reasons to use 212 that freetrade doesnā€™t come near ā€“ CFDs, practise accounts, better execution etc. But the biggest threat to 212 is not that freetrade will suddenly launch a pies feature (of course they wonā€™t, they can barely launch an investment feature) itā€™s that freetrade will drop a bunch of stocks that are being requested here and are not being provided by 212. If I were at FT (which Iā€™m not) I would be figuring out what these stocks are pretty quickly.