What one feature/change would you like 212 to implement in 2022?
We can then see late 2022 if any of our thoughts / ideas come to fruition.
To start the ball rolling:
I would like the ability to setup standing orders with a reference to fund pies directly rather than my general account, which would then auto invest the spare funds for me, avoiding the 0.7% card provider costs.
I’m obviously not necessarily expecting 212 to change their roadmap; but maybe after a few months we can add up the suggestions to do a poll with the top 3 in suggestions, to measure what people actually want?
I would like a further enchantment of the pie dividend reinvest.
Currently when the fund threshold is reached the pie auto invests the money according to the targets -
but I would also like an auto reinvest option that reinvests the dividends according to the ‘self balancing’ option you can choose when you manually put money into a pie and then we would be able to toggle between which type we want in the auto reinvest tab
A new (old) feature: Addition of new ETFs/ETPs, specially EUR-denominated ETFs. As they are suspended for almost a year.
(At least ETFs aren’t suspended by the financial regulator or IBKR due to suspicious transactions like penny stocks or other iliquid stocks. )
Other new (old) feature: Addition of crypto ETPs, at least for EU investors (as UK investors aren’t allowed to buy crypto ETPs in UK due to FCA).
Yes I would love stuff like this, and to take it further like being able to benchmark a pie or individual holding against other stocks/index. Also for it to happen from your exact purchase points.