It would be awesome if we were able to select a cash isa as the payment method when setting up a pies auto invest so that funds are taken directly from there automatically.
It is possible to transfer funds between a cash isa and stocks isa already without effecting the years remaining isa entitlement but it is a pain to have to remember to do this prior to an autoinvest top up from free funds.
That’s an interesting idea - thanks for sharing it. However, I’m unsure how this would work in theory, particularly given the complexities of the rules surrounding ISAs. Due to these complexities, it may not be something that could be easily implemented.
I had only considered this in the context of the cash isa and stocks isa where funds can be freely transferred as they are both within the isa tax wrapper. I’m assuming the complexity comes from the invest account also having pies but being outside of the tax wrapper.
If there is too much complexity around it then another option could be to allow the movement of funds to be setup as recurring, funds would be transferred automatically each month/week/fortnight etc so that it can then be invested by the pies from the available balance.
I’ll ensure your feedback reaches our team and if we can offer more payment options for the AutoInvest, we’ll make an announcement. If you have any other ideas, feel free to share them with us.