Alerts When Market Opens & Closes

You suggest I get a watch to do what my phone could do, just with less on-screen information and less convenience, in an age where fewer and fewer people wear watches, just because you donā€™t see the point in a harmless app feature that would not adversely affect anyone who didnā€™t want to use it. Right, not very logical at all. Thatā€™s like saying one doesnā€™t see the point in T212 offering charts in the app as they could be offered by another service in an arguably better way. Why not combine the two as it would suit some people and not harm anyone?

I havenā€™t mentioned anything about ā€œnerves of steelā€, youā€™re the one who mentioned the idea of stocks going down so the state of the markets today is irrelevant.

I could find a different watch if you donā€™t like that one?

Iā€™m discussing this topic in good faith so being petulant is just making yourself look bad.

If you guys keep up, will have to run to Cinestar for :popcorn: , as I run out of mine alreadyā€¦ :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:


Do you have alerts set up so you definitely know itā€™s open?

This isnā€™t quite true, of course. People who donā€™t want to use it would be adversely affected by it.

Iā€™d recommend you check the operating times first but it appears not everyone agrees that being well informed is necessary

The ability to toggle alerts on or off would be an obvious inclusion.

That isnā€™t what I was talking about. Which is also obvious.

How would anyone not using an optional feature be adversely affected by the inclusion of such a thing?

Because time and energy expended by 212 in setting up such a service would be time and energy not used doing things that such a person might find in some way useful or valuable. Such as adding new stocks, making existing stocks fractional, sorting out ISA compliance, or expanding the number of charts that can be opened simultaneously in the web app. (Each of these has been requested or discussed in some or other part of this forum).

I wasnā€™t talking about the developers, I was talking about the user experience. But ah yes, a small little notification function would be a real drain on developerā€™s resources. This features & suggestions section of the T212 forum has plenty of arguably silly suggestions made on it that T212 would never consider. If they all received similarly toxic receptions on their posts such as I have with this one, this forum would die off and quite right too.

After a week of trading youā€™ll get familiar with open and close.

I do sometimes set an alert on my phone at 2:20pm to give myself a few minutes to down tools, but thatā€™s more a case of getting my attention if Iā€™m super busy that day.

If I didnā€™t casually do swing trading and was actually investing long term instead itā€™s not as much concern.

The key thing is knowing when certain markets are closed on random holidays which it already does.

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Yes, the alert you set in order to remind yourself to down tools is precisely the use case Iā€™d need it for, would be very handy with my job. If youā€™re diversified in different markets around the world with different opening times, it would be even more handy