All holdings report

Hi how do I get a CSV report of all of my individual holdings plus current value . I have it pdf but need it on csv

You can export in a .csv information about the orders you’ve submitted as of the moment. To do so, you can follow these steps:

  1. Go to your account ‘Menu’
  2. Select ‘History’
  3. Tap on the ‘Export history’ button at the top right corner
  4. Choose your preferences for the data export
  5. Submit your request and wait for the CSV file to be processed
  6. Once the file is ready, you will receive a notification to download it

On a side note, the monthly statements contain details about your open positions.

Hello @Bogi.H,

we need as CSV-Export as a portfolio overview about all of our holdings as the same in the PDF-statement.

That what you described get all the transactions of a time period.

I’ve already passed on the feedback for consideration :pray:

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I had the same need a while ago too, still waiting for this so I can finally stop inputting numbers manually.

See here:

That’s actually gonna be pretty useful. I hope that you can upgrade this feature soon.