All the categories shouldn't be watched by default when joining community/forum

As a new member of the community, I run into same issue than writer of this post. Basically that by default, all the categories are set to Watched, which results every new post being sent instantly via email. I think this is fairly intrusive, and I don’t remember ever witnessing it on any other forum I have signed into. I think it would be good to reconsider this practise.

For those who want to remove categories being watched, it can be done from Profile > Preferences > Tracking > Categories : Watched


It seems there are many threads already created from the same issue during last year. I think this is something T212 should really change.

How to get rid of email notifications - May 2024
Community emails - Oct 2024

I signed up this week and this setting drove me mad! Like you say, I don’t think other Discourse implementation have this by default. It was a relief to turn it off and now I can concentrate on the topics that really interest me.

Thank you both for the input. We’ll check what we can change in the settings to avoid such inconvenience in the future.

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