Shoot me, was not reading up Ark topics.
So I threw old rotten bait.
Very popular suite of excellent performance ETFs focused on innovation and tech
Very “popular” feature on this community - search option.
Oh ok, salty.
I could buy it on IG though.
Hi guys. Is it possible to get ARKK ETF available please?
45 threads on it with the same answer.
This is a stitch up, right?
I won’t bite!
Must resist. Must. Resist.
No, sorry. No US ETFs on T212 for at least the foreseeable.
You’re welcome.
Grits. Teeth.
sorry guys! Just read the threads.
Well done for biting!
I would love to be able to buy the Fly Leasing ($FLY) and ARK Innovation ETF ($ARKK) with trading 212. If these were added, that would be amazing.
Welcome. Unfortunately, ARKK cannot be added due to EU regs. If I was you, I’d amend the request to FLY only because it could easily get overlooked as just yet another Ark thread otherwise. If interested, you can find recipes to build your own ARKK pie here:
Can you please add REML stock and ARK suite of ETFs?
Sigh. Ark eh? You know you’re the first person to have asked for them.
Use search
@diliprk What he means is that there is a search facility in the forum (top right on the screen) that will enable you to check if ARK ETFs have ever been requested before, and if so why they have not been added.
Could you please add ARK Fintech innovation ETF. Thank you!
If you do a quick search for ARK you’ll see the million other requests for the same which can’t be filled because ARK aren’t eligible to Europeans.
Hey I was wondering whether you are planning to add ARKs etfs anytime soon in the platform or if you won’t be able to add them any time soon. I am sure that too many people would be interested in those etfs, thanks in advance !
As far as I know it is not possible since this is nonUS platform
Can anyone explain why The ARK ETFs are absent from T212 , seems most odd considering they’re probably the highest profile fund of 2020 ?
They’re a US ETF you can’t buy them in Europe as a retain investor