AutoInvest - Join the BETA

You should be able to change your goal from the Overview tab of your Pie.

Once you tap on the Pie and you scroll down the Overview tab, you’ll be able to see ‘Your goal’. Tap on the little pencil tool, adjust the amount and select ‘Update Goal’. :grin:

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Got it. Thank you! :blush:

Or you can delete the goal to get rid of the bar under the pie and it looks much cleaner :ok_hand:

It’s a useful feature for people who have a set goal amount they want to reach though.

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I’ve signed up for the beta because i’m stoked for this but I haven’t been accepted yet. Does anyone have a clue when I’ll be able to use the AutoInvest feature?


Did you find out ? I would like to know aswell.

Sorry if these questions already asked:
1/ Can you have several pies in one account?
2/ Can you have a pie with just one stock? Example: holding APPL, that way all dividends can be auto reinvested in that stock. This could be a work around until auto re-investing to source is available.

Just final word of thanks for an awesome feature. Forza T212 team.

Yes and yes. In fact with a single stock in a pie you can buy a smaller fraction than is possible if buying it outside a pie.

Soon DRIP will be added, and I’m sure that will be available without it even needing to be within a pie

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Awesome & awesome. Thanks for quick reply.

Great, looking forward to that. Thanks.

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I can’t wait ,thank you

Hi can I sign up to the BETA?

The link is in the first post of this thread :+1:

Got access to the beta recently and have been trying out the auto-invest feature. I don’t know if I have maybe missed something, but some ETF’s (well one) that is visible on the platform are not showing up under auto-invest.

As an example, I cannot add CPJ1 to auto-invest, yet it’s listed on the trading212 platform?

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Only fractional instruments are available for Pie/Autoinvesting.

T212 said to have all instruments available in fractional in Q3. (Rumour is, that might happen during August :partying_face:)


Perfect Vedran, thanks.

I will hold off using it for now, I hope as you say they all become fractional soon :smiley:

I now see that you are asking this for autoinvest. Of course for manual investment it is already available. When you make a new investment in a pie you can select from the drop down menu to make the Fund distribution “Self-balancing”.

It would be interesting to see a study about whether better returns are really obtained by rebalancing. If we look at an ETF like VUSA, this has no rebalancing, and no one complains that it should. The proportion of VUSA that is AAPL is not subject to a rebalancing back to a fixed percentage like 6%. It simply increases and decreases as the share price moves relative to market values of other companies.

Even those ETFs which have rebalancing usually do so quarterly, ie not very often.

Rebalancing makes most sense when you are dealing with things of different risk or volatility. A rebalancing between cash, bonds and equities, say, or perhaps between sectors like consumer staples and technology seems logical. But if I have a pie of 10 cloud stocks, I doubt that I will gain much by frequent rebalacing amongst them. One can argue both ways; against rebalancing: I am failing to use my new money to back winners; instead I back losers, or pro rebalancing: I am buying some stocks while they are cheap, and I want to make sure that no one stock starts to represent too great a proportion of my portfolio, thereby increasing risk.

I was doing some backtesting on portfolios and for some it doesn’t make any difference, for some it was better to not rebalance, and for others it was better to rebalance. It’s entirely dependent on the makeup of the portfolio and the performance of the instruments within.

e.g. one of my more conservative style portfolios would have had 20% more gain from quarterly rebalance than no rebalance over the past 10 years, one of my more aggressive ones had almost 100% more gain from no rebalance over annual or quarterly rebalance over the past 10 years.
Monthly rebalancing was the worst performance across all the portfolios I backtested although I’m sure there’s probably a few out there where that had more gain also.
Portfolios based around ETFs had the least difference between rebalance and not rebalance. This is all purely just from my own testing of just a handful, so may not be indicative of anything at all. And of course, past performance does not indicate how future performance will be.

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Would it be right in saying that when I can move all my ETF’s into my specific ETF built pie I wouldn’t really need to use the rebalancing option more than say once every 12/24 months or so? Just talking ETF’s.

If its set on auto deposit or manual deposit - either or - would it make much difference not rebalancing? Or one it would and one it wouldn’t?

Also one more quick question I currently deposit certain % into my ETF’s monthly (By using the vanguard all world ETF as rough guidance) if I now going forward using auto invest will it work it out by percentages owned or value or stock?

Sorry if this has been asked :see_no_evil: please point me in the right direction so you don’t need to repeat yourselves. Thank you kindly.

What happens if I press the Rebalance button?