Pending Fixes - AutoInvest fails to invest on national/bank holidays.
Fixed - Stamp duty is being counted as invested value which distorts the return calculation of the pie. - Manually deposited funds from “Custom” distribution option are displayed as Free Cash but not available for AutoInvest (Pie Free cash is not displayed in the overall value of the portfolio) - On some Android devices cancelling an investment/rebalancing/withdrawing takes a very long time. - On Android devices, when withdrawing using a Custom fund distribution you are allowed to select a greater sell value to a specific slice than its actual value.
Upcoming features - Pie performance graph - Pie history - Pie sharing links to work as referral links - AutoInvest using accounts free funds - Access to instrument details page from pie’s holdings tab - Nested pies
Released features - Import shares into a pie - Export shares from a pie - Pie sharing
When viewing the main page of a pie it would be good to see a graph of its historical performance. Replicating what is displayed for the overall portfolio would be good.
this is the third topic i found about this and still nothing from the admin to say they will implement. such a good idea. to the OP use the search function in future, you’ll normally find that as in life someone else has had your seemingly original idea before!
disappointing that teh community is being ignored with this suggestion. great idea. performance grpah per pie would be so helpful. manually doing it inputting data is annoying to say the least
I would like to be able to view a graph of my returns only particularly for individual pies and overall as the normal portfolio graph is terrible jumping up and down whenever I buy or sell shares. Would this be possible to add? Thanks.