Balance graph bug

Main balance graph line on my app seems to have stopped writing around 1am last night.

Maybe just a minor graphic bug but reporting anyway. Didn’t see it mentioned anywhere else.

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My graph has “lost” all the ups and down of todays trading, it shows a flat stable line all day and just started moving again at 16.15. Something is clearly wrong there. Good to report it though. Will be fixed soon, I’m sure!

Likewise. @Tony.V sorry if you’ve got this already, just highlighting it also

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@Team212 @Vedran @Tony.V is there some problems with portfolio chart today? It dropped today morning and its correct but it looks like it has frozen at that point not showing any changes despite stocks movement

Same here, also have the issue… Portfolio graph is not updating.

Same here… flat line.

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This is my portfolio today

Since T212 issues yesterday the portfolio chart is flat, looks like we were outside of trading hours
Any clues?

Will see how it’s gona look tommorow, hope someone is going to look at it as it’s rather common problem than my own only

Can anyone please help explain why my invest portfolio/Pie has flatlined as if it were a weekend! No movement whatsoever :man_shrugging:

Same problem on my ISA and Invest accounts. Flatline since around 1am GMT today.

Exact same issue here. :persevere:

Reinstalled app. Still flatlined…

Not app related. Web interface also.

Same problem on my Invest account since yesterday evening

Since yesterday my portfolio money line has been flatlining! It’s the same on my isa and invest accounts. I’ve tried re-installing app and cleared cache.

As long as your own isn’t I wouldn’t worry about that too much as it’s a healthy line by the looks of it


The graph seems to have been unplugged from the machine :joy:

The last thing mine showed was the price drop gapping at market open for some of my stocks. Then nothing during the market chaos.


Hahaha :grin: yeah he’s right.

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Looking at the portfolio growth, congrats on a good year so far :+1:

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