Bonds on trading 212

I want to invest in a bond index etf to diversify my portfolio a little more, namely the vanguard total bond market index fund etf or the vanguard global bond index etf. I already have a trading 212 ISA account and trading 212 doesn’t sell these bonds. I am not sure if it is worth buying on another platform since I can’t get another stocks and shares ISA and therefore any bonds I buy will be subject to tax. Is this much of an issue/has anyone else come across this problem?

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Not came across this as a concern for myself. I was awake when I signed up that 212 did not offer bonds, but did offer access to European ETFs that had bond exposure.

Have a look on for your region and if there is anything in there if interest, you can probably get it added to 212.

This is available on 212 for example:


Welcome. It looks like these are funds rather than ETFs. T212 doesn’t offer OEICs like these but, as @Dougal1984 points out, you can buy exchange-traded equivalents like VAGP or VAGS.