Business account

I understand there is no business account available as of yet, although I have heard it might be the case at some point.

Maybe somebody from Trading 212 team can tell me how far in the future we can expect that to happen as I really want to start trading using my company.
And if it does happen, will it be available in any country or in just some of them?

Many thanks :slightly_smiling_face:


I would very much like this as well.

Light year has started a business account option from today
(Although limited to a single share holder limited company to start with)

I am not completely sure if UK assets are protected by FSCS scheme for LightYear.
Regulated by FCA as per their website.

I am still waiting for a business account from Trading212.

Genuinely fascinated whether people of this forum think that “business accounts” are a viable (valuable) business opportunity?

Would you “invest” you Company monies?

Serious. Would you?

You’ll risk the capital value going down (yes, even with “low risk” bonds). Depending on the exact asset you hold you “may” not get daily interest/dividends. You “might” expose yourself to (higher) capital gains rather than income tax and so on

So. You “might” profit. But you “might” not.

You “might” generate tax liabilities you wouldn’t on cash.

You “might” generate 5% plus… but you also “might” not.

If cash in a bank was, say, 5% and interest on a US bond was 5.25 or 5.5 then you minus provider fees so you end up with 5 to 5.25% … would you do it?

The sign up “might” be harder as verification/KYC/KYB could be harder

You’ll have to pay for an LEI to be able to open an account I’d imagine (as you need to identify the business for trade reporting etc)

All in all :: is there a business here for Lightyear or Trading 212 - if they decided to follow down this path?


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A niche business yes, if I were to setup a company as a wrapper to hire out my services I could invest prior to dividend taxes and write losses off against profit of the markets tumble.

I kinda see that. But there’s a maths hurdle and pain hurdle, surely:

Setting up a business solely for this purpose has a cost – accountants, software, tax returns, LEIs etc…

That equals some level of friction and pain.

Given that would you bother?

Maybe yes. Maybe no.

But that example is probably super niche.

Would an everyday sole trade/business owner/ Company do this with their cash? It’s nearly “investing”. You can sugar coat it and rationalize it as much as you like it is “investing” and given that would a Company “risk” losses… or even the tax implications of the “gain”.

Folk understand cash. Do folk really understand the intricacies of investing?

I’m unsure.

I’ve laboured this question too much.

I clearly remain unconvinced their is BIG opportunity in the D2B (or B2B) brokerage space.

I guess Lightyear are the litmus test.

And if they really do have over 1000 companies signed up already well good for them and I might be wrong


Request to T212 to start corporate trading account. IBKR has it, so wont take too much to start…i guess

Although we do not plan to launch corporate accounts anytime soon, we appreciate your suggestion and will let you know if anything changes.

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thank you it will surely help me

This (Corporate Accounts) will help me too

I have a ‘SPV’ limited company the sole purpose of which is investment so I am desperate to be able to do this through Trading212 now; is there any news on timescales for this please?

We appreciate your interest, but nothing has changed since my last reply. Trading accounts can only be set up for personal use.