Is there anyway we can get SCHD, DJD and/or the DIA on here? I noticed you can trade US30 under CFD but i could not find it anywhere under the Invest side of things. Is it even possible to have like american indexes or ETFs for them? I know there are some legal factors with some things but I dont know how any of that works.
EDIT: Could CIND be added to the list of available ETFs?
CFD and the Invest / ISA accounts do differ on what instruments they can trade, but I think the T212 team are trying to add more and more to both sides in time.
All ETF offerings must classify as UCITS to be able to trade in Europe, and for T212 to be able to add them.
If you happen to find an ETF which covers the US30, and is UCITS compliant, then you can always request this stock to be added, and the team will hopefully add this offering to the platform.
Hey, Thanks so much, as you can probably tell I am brand new to this thing so I REALLY appreciate you taking the time and actually breaking down how to do that.