Could we get OTCMKTS: AZKLF


Could we get AZKLF on the platform?
Brainchip Holdings Ltd
They just secured a big order from NASA for their new AI chip.

Thanks Again,

Andre :smiley:


Yes please add AZKLF… @Team212

I´d love to see it too @Team212

I would also love to see this stock on Trading212 @Team212

Same I would love that too

Please add AZKLF … Thanks

Yes please, don’t hold your breath though as 212 can’t add many of these OTC stocks.

they should, because if US brokers will come to europe(for example webull) a lot ppl will leave trading212 because of it.


Please add AZKLF ASAP

New ticker on this one: BRCHF - it’s PSE too.

Is the volume too low for consideration @David @Rumen @Bogi.H @B.E ?

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Doesn’t look like its available to trade on IB.

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Avg volume does look too low also. From past requests the threshold seems to be about 1.5m avg volume. Unless things have changed on 212’s side.

Actually, @Dougal1984 has a point here. The instrument is simply not available in IBKR’s database.

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Cheers @B.E - so has the criteria regarding average volume been relaxed on your side now?

Not too long ago an average volume of 165k wouldn’t have been enough - have things changed now?
