Create Pie from Watchlist

It would be great to have the ability to create a new pie from an existing watch list…
Over time I’ve created several watch list of companies / stocks I’m interested in and would now like to back them. At the moment, creating a pie for them is a long laborious manual process. If I could just hit a button to create a pie from a watchlist that would be so much easier.


No? Just me then…?
(20char limit)

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They must do this. Bored to search again and again…


Totally agree on this one!!


Ahh wait - it’s there!
I just used it to create one :slight_smile:

Nice one Trading212

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I cannot see that, you on android?

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I’m on iOS
I haven’t looked to see if it’s on the web app but that could be a way round if it’s not on android right now…?

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Cant see it on the web app either.

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Still dont see it on web app

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Exactly this I need… I thought I was found someone wrong! As a beginner I want sure what to do once I pressed Pies! (Still learning).
But a simple button to somehow create a pie with them percentages I have already would be great. So much easier.

Thank you

It would be so great to be able to pick from my watch list when I make a pie. It’s really very tedious finding everything from scratch. It’s so tedious to make the diverse pie you have been considering, so you don’t bother, you make a worse pie!

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