Crypto currency plans

I only have 5 companies and 4 ETFs

Nice, high conviction. I have about 25% in steady Divi stocks rest capital gainers in multiple industries.

In my 212 portfolio I have 25 holdings, albeit some of them are free stocks that I dont really have a plan to sell. Four are Investment Trusts.

Does anyone know why it is expensive to transfer coins from one wallet to another?

I’ve wondered the same!

My meme coin is opening up a swap and stake soon, but it needs to be in a Coinbase, or meta wallet. By the time the fees are gone it’s not even worth it

Has anyone ever entered a token at launch?

Bitcoin took a trip to the chip shop cus it’s been battered

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depends on the coin. I used to use Litecoin, but I think XLM is another option to transfer which are fast and cheap.

Is it like using a different pair?


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each coin has different transfer fees and a confirmation times. so when moving them around you want to try and use the ones with the lowest transfer fees and fastest confirmation times. so instead of say sending BTC from one wallet to another you could first convert it to LTC and then pay lower fees for the transfer then convert it back at the other end.

Well that could get juicy

@phildawson , Square front-running Tesla? :wink:

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So a few of South America’s leaders have said yes to BTC. Added a few grand back on this morning. 32 > 34

I’m still reluctant to ape in

Of course they would, how do they sell their narcotics to all the traders?

Did you see how some of the BTC was traced back from the colonial transaction, so much for decentralised and anonymity.

Remember everyone Heads Shoulders, what’s next?

Knees and Toes.

Probably with cash and transfers as they do now which are harder to trace :man_shrugging:

I don’t see how that affects it being decentralised.

As for anonymity it’s not, BTC is a public ledger :joy:

So as above it’s like doing a drugs trade using a megaphone

:loudspeaker: :tipping_hand_man: HOW MUCH DRUGS DO YOU WANT?

:hear_no_evil: YES

That’s just the paradox of it.

If you’re asking me how much I want, I want all of it, my nickname is Hoover, I’m pre EU regs bro, max power.

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Shorts just got destroyed. $2k added on in minutes

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I only skimmed above and caught the buzz words - drugs, bitcoin. Is anybody trying to argue a digital public ledger is a favourable option for drug dealing over dollar?