Discuss my pie... Treemap option?

@rwblackburn I think I summed my view up nicely in the autoinvest thread. as a whole set comparison you are certainly right, but I don’t think the idea is to compare everything at once in a pie, so you can reduce each level to that 8-10 range people can comfortably use.

the pie works better for automation as well which is what its being bundled with in the next release, however treemaps certainly have their place in any investors portfolio. it makes a great visual representation for a complete dataset, say you were to get one with your monthly and yearly reports? I could see that being useful at a glance.

IT would be nice to see treemaps paired with an export function so you can generate a treemap when exporting your portfolio as a graphic. perhaps hang it on the wall behind your monitor to glance lovingly at? xD

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