Earnings reports 2023

Earnings 2023

Earnings season is in!

Here are the top 5 companies reporting in January, ranked by the number of shareholders here at Trading 212:

:car: Tesla (Jan 25)
:computer: Microsoft (Jan 24)
:tv: Netflix (Jan 19)
:hamburger: McDonald’s (Jan 31)
:globe_with_meridians: AT&T (Jan 25)

How do you think your stocks will perform - will they exceed analyst estimates or miss them :thinking_face:

Your capital is at risk


Well if Microsoft announced today to be axing 10,000 jobs, or just under 5% of its workforce, am inclined to think they would miss analyst estimate.

Tesla…No comments

Interesting to see the Top 5 companies folks are buying…i own none of them

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Seems, that TOP almost always remains the same

Anyone recommend a good app for upcoming earnings?

Its interesting. I need this too, any ideas?