Email communication


I didn’t want to come on here too quickly and post about the lack of customer service from T212 because I have seen it discussed many times before. I know they are busy and have taken down instant chat for that reason. However I have very little choice now due no telephone number or other means of contact.

I sent en email in 1 week ago which I had a reply to within 24 hours. The agent asked for some personal identification which I sent and now I have not heard anything! No acknowledgement or anything.

Also T212 send out an automatic reply at the end of the day which suggests your ticket gets closed if you do not respond. Has anybody else found this?


I’m sorry to read about your experience.

Every inquiry is being categorized and attended in chronological order. In some circumstances, whenever we’re unable to reply on time (or when a pending ticket is already available, like in your case), then the automatic message is sent.

This ticket organization has the following logic: if the issue wasn’t resolved automatically already (as an example: a client asks about their withdrawal & when it will be executed > the amount is issued in the meantime before we actually reply to the ticket > the ticket gets closed due to that reason) then a client simply should reply back and as suggested - we’ll reach him back as soon as possible.

Thank you for the fast response Tony. I have always found the T212 community and staff very helpful.

Glad you could clarify this for me

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