Fractional buys in Bitcoin

How’s it going folks?

With crypto’s volatility and being able to deal only in CFD (currently) would it be possible to introduce a fractional shares (£25 minimum) in Bitcoin?

With prices of BTC set to surge in 2020 it’s hard to find a balance in CFD that matches not only the price of BTC but also takes you close or over marginal calls because of its volatility.

If we have fractional shares in it it’s mean we can have more control over account limitations.

Hope this makes sense :slight_smile:

If you want to hold or trade crypto outside CFDs, why not just go direct and use Coinbase or Coinbase Pro? It’s their specialism.

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I do hold many crypto’s in hard wallets, different crypto exchanges and online wallets. I don’t however get leverage whilst trading those where I would in CFD mode

Okay, fair enough. Coinbase Pro have a waitlist for margin that you can register for in-app:

No release date as yet.

Coinbase is horrific mate. Stopped using them just over two years ago now

Coinbase are probably the most beginner friendly exchange out there so im not too sure what you’re on about. If you want to get rekt with 100x leverage go Binance but if you want to lose more money, quicker then go for 125x on Bitmex. Hell, maybe you should just start lending your money on Bitfinex.

It’s all great but, for simplicity and damage limitations here on T212 it’s better to have a fractional buy