HCMC - Temporary Issues resolved

No thereā€™s not a set amount of shares you can offer whatever you want. HCMC is a tiny company with a lot of shares issued.

Amazon is a massive company with not as many shares issued.

Share price is irrelevant.

The market is open but market orders arenā€™t being processed. Why is that?

If there is a lot of trading, why is the price remaining static?

Itā€™s premarket, very low volumes.

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So it should pick up at 14:30?

Why does GCMC have pre-market but no post-market?

You should have received a notification like this:

As of 19/01/21 OTC Markets will be extended by 30mins. New market hours are 13:00GMT to 21:00GMT

But itā€™s pre-market until 14:30.

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What are the expectations around timescales for a decent return for this stock? How high could it go?

It all depends on the lawsuit against PM. If they lose HCMC will go back to be a grocery shop.

I bought in earlier and this is my AVERAGE price. I also took some profits as 212 is slow to execute via IBKR.

Early bird gets the worm :bug: :wink:

Did you buy into $hcmc ? How are you finding the experience? Rollercoaster eh? Hang tight until at least 1 cent. :chart_with_upwards_trend: :moneybag: incoming

Yes, I got in eventually, but by the time my market orders executed the price was at $0.0043. Whatā€™s your exit strategy?

Canā€™t believe this stupid ticker is at $0.0043

I remember when I was seeing posts here and on Reddit from people chucking money at it when it was $0.0001 purely because they found it hilarious they could own a few hundred thousand shares - now theyā€™re all up a few thousand % or so

Thatā€™s exactly what I did! I wanted to own 100,000 shares of something.

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How confident are you?

Iā€™m losing my resolve. :frowning_face:

Patience is a virtueā€¦ It might happen or not. Market is wild. I risked my Ā£250 to buy 98k shares just for the sake of seeing what might happen. Even if I lose that money it wonā€™t do me any harm.

To sum it up, buy a bag of popcorn, sit back and relax :smile:

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Are the restrictions back? Trying to place an order and just sits pending?

Maybe because its still pre-marketā€¦Maybe it will go through once the market opens in 30 minsā€¦It does take a few mins to go through

So what is the point of having pre market OTC access? Itā€™s gone through now. Thought we had access from 1pm?

It is strangeā€¦I just put down a small order for Ā£25 and it went through instantly even though we are still in pre-market.