How to export orders for specific stock?


I have invested a few stock on T212 over past 5 years. However, I want to learn how much I have invested in one particular stock.

I understand theres an export functionality that can allow me to export a CSV of all my orders. However, is there s feature to export order for one specific stock? Currently it seems I have to export all orders and then look row by row for the stock I want to learn more about.



Hamburger menu, History, top right icon to download.

I would resave the file as a .xlsx. (csv files don’t save the formatting, formulas, etc. changes you make.)

I would remove any columns not needed from the data.
Then turn the data into a table - so you can filter and sort.

Then I would just filter and uncheck anything but the specific stock you’re looking for.

Let me know if you need further help.
Happy to help.