I need help with my portfolio

With just this comment I’d say you’re better than you’d think.

I have a lot of experience in investing(does not mean I am good) I saw this thread on the very first post but like yourself I cannot provide the answers as well so I decided not to reply. This has nothing to do with patreon etc. You’ll see a lot of people in this kind of forums that’ll scream at you and tell to go buy Tesla or Crispr because it is the future (despite not having a lot more experience than yourself)

I did post what I am buying in this forum multiple times but I don’t advocate blindly following this. What it can do for you is, lets say if you are looking for some diversification in healthcare, you’d see I am quite heavy in NVTA and go look into it.

Unfortunately the expected answer for these kind of question is usually is add X sell Y and you’ll be rich in this amount of time. I have replied to multiple similar topics in the past and told IF they want to buy something now, invest in some generic ETFs and may be a gold ETC while educating themselves. Do some research and expand your portfolio one at a time. There are 30+ shares in the portfolio in the screenshots. Creating that should’ve take weeks if not months.

Apologies for stressing the self training point again but this is the best advice I can give. 5-6 great books will cost something like ÂŁ100 utterly worth it if you are going to invest 5-10-100K in the future.

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