Icon Question for T212

Random question (and probably light hearted given what goes on behind the scenes) but how long does it take for Stocks to have their icons changed from a Generic Letter to their Company Icon?

GAN took 4 months and Tattooed Chef hasn’t changed yet but Longview got theirs last week.

Not complaining but curious about how it works behind the scenes.

Many thanks for any repsonses. :slight_smile:


I am also curios about this even if it’s something that we can totally live without :slightly_smiling_face:

I want to take the opportunity to expand the question for ETFs as well:


Doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things, but it would be strangely satisfying to complete the set with icons for Tencent and Meituan.


The icons of instruments are changed to the logos of the corresponding companies as soon as possible. Currently, the volume of stocks added is quite high and we prioritise the older ones, but as you have noticed, there may be some exceptions.