ETF Information


Since the Company Fundamentals feature was already implemented and with the big release coming sometime in the next month, is there a chance to see some “ETF Fundamentals” feature by the end of Q2 (I know it is the next step after the company part)? Or is there already a timeline set for this?

Also, what can we expect from this feature to contain information-wise (maybe there is a similar type of teaser or more info by now)? The request pops once in a while here on the community so I was wondering if there are more details on this subject.



I agree, its about time there was more information available about etfs on the app. Also i want more etfs and funds. Fundsmith!


Agreed - this needs a bump up. :+1:


@George, is there any time estimation for this feature?


No certain estimation yet. We hope to have it by the end of the year (conservatively). Once we start working on it we’ll have more precise ETA.

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I had a quick hack at exposing ETFs underlying securities holdings and making them searchable.

See here

A few errors I’m aware of but I can build it out over time. Search is only for securities at the moment (rather than search for a specific ETF), but I’ll change that too. It’s also a little slow. I can change that too.

Also happy to provide data to @George and T212 if they want it. No charge, just email me.



Do you find only those that are in the “top 10” holdings of an ETF or in any ETF, any amount?

I get them all

Every single holding in the ETF (except fir maybe Lyxor I think I only get top 10)

There are a few errors especially with synthetic ETFs but it’s 99% accurate at the time I grab all the data (which was about 2 weeks ago but I could make it much more frequent)


I don’t know if you were planning to also have ETFs comparison, but one small comparison feature that I see it approachable is the “overlapping securities” between 2 ETFs (Morningstar’s XRAY tool has something similar but highly unreliable).

Otherwise congrats on your work! :+1: It’s helpful for plenty of people here in the community. :v:

Possible to include Investment Trusts in this?


Possible, certainly
Efficient and scalable, probably not.
ITs don’t have to disclose entire portfolio so getting this data is problematic/impossible
Compromise would be just Top 10 for ITs
Top 10 good enough for you Mr F?

Love a top 10, me. Thank you.

Turn’s out it was a little harder than expected, but version 0.1 is here for you

Likely I’m missing various Trusts. Please let me know. Intentionally not done any property funds as the underlying physically property is not genuinely listed market asset. Also not done any US funds.

It is a little slow. Very sorry
:man_shrugging: :man_shrugging:

Because ITs don’t have to disclose there portfolios in any timely manner collecting this data always make it a little open to error. If you were to marry my data to, say Hargreaves Lansdown, you’d see a few differences. If you try to marry it to a IT Factsheet, you’ll see a few differences. I’ve tried to go to the latest source. But the transformation of that source into useable data and alignment of ISINs etc. is problematic. Therefore consider this 90% accurate.