Improved portfolio screen - Better return calculations (MWRR), Cash widget, and more!

Wanted to chip in myself with some additional information that should hopefully clarify things.

The ‘Investments’ tab that you see on the portfolio page under the ‘Cash’ tab shows the value of your investments at the present moment using the latest available price, as well as the total value of all positions combined. Yes, you’re correct that this information is also present under the ‘More details’ tab for each individual stock that you hold, but we’re referring to the newly added ‘Cost basis’ tab that is now also visible under the ‘More details’ tab.

The cost basis field displays only the total amount of funds you have invested in all positions without taking into account the performance of your positions. In other words, the cost basis tab shows what the now retired ‘Invested’ tab used to show before we made the MWRR changes.


I don’t have a cost basis tab once I go into more details:

I’ve just logged in on Chrome, and I am seeing cost basis there.

It just doesn’t show on the app.

Mobile app updates may take a few days to reach 100% of the client base. Give it a bit more time, and check again for updates.


Yup, I think that’s what it is.

stick a toggle for this under chart settings:

Not having an option for this is wrong.

This update is bad.



Maybe it should say “show simple returns” - because I still think those that don’t like it don’t understand it. I’ve seen plenty of people change opinions completely when they understand it.


A simple toggle is all that’s needed.

Then T212 can also collect data on % of people that use it, and whether they invest in individual companies, or etfs, or pies, etc.

I for one prefer simple returns, I know what I invested, I can easily find out when, let me do the more complicated calculations if needed, or provide them for me but as an extra, don’t replace something that serves as the very foundation & starting point of analysing portfolio performance.


which is of course MWRR or TWRR and not simple returns. Simple returns are vanity metrics which hide actual performance in realised history.

If, for example you wanted to be a trading guru / scammer type, you’d use simple returns and just sell your losers, can’t do that with MWRR. If you want to benchmark, like you should be doing when your deposits dilute performance, you’d use MWRR and not simple returns - otherwise you have to dilute the benchmark too, which is a PITA to do.

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I don’t see Briscoe anywhere - and I think it’s safe to say that more than 98% of T212 users aren’t offering courses/mentorships.

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Personally I am happy with this fix for the total invested/current value. Thanks T212.


MWRR isn’t misleading?

If I add funds to my account and don’t invest them in stocks, but my existing positions grow in profit, the portfolio return will be shown to be higher than the actual market performance of those positions.

MWRR will show a higher return because of the funds I deposited but not actually invested / that are sitting idle, and therefore were not generating a return.

So deposited, uninvested funds will increase the reported returns - and that’s supposed to give me a clear picture of my portfolio’s return?

If I withdraw uninvested funds and my positions are down, the portfolio returns will again be skewed, showing a worse performance than reality, despite not actually incurring any losses.

When positions are doing well, depositing funds inflate your return values.

If you withdraw during a drop, the performance is reported worse than it actually is.

So, regardless of how your stocks perform, moving funds in and out, as well as from one account to the other, will impact the portfolio’s return value & percentage.


Thank you for adding the requested removed info, under the Assets Value!
If we could have the option to show this in the Value chart, or simply listed below the value chart, so that it is once again easily instantly viewable, please, that would be great. Thank you.


I’m probably out of place with these request, after moaning somewhat about the previous update.

I’m wondering if the following could be added as a line chart, please:
Cost Basis Asset Value.
Realised Orders Gain/Loss.
Available Cash.

If its possible, to have a few analysis tools, mainly measurement on the chart that would be great. So we can click on the chart and it takes us to an advanced chart.

Regarding the daily chart any chance it can go back to resetting at midnight?
Or have the option to do this, please.

Final thought, could we have the option to show available cash at the top of the screen always please. Just a small none obtrusive bar just underneath the massive Account selected title bar. Show account value, cash, and maybe daily change.


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How can I see the figures as originally shown? I only want to see investment figure against total accrued to track overall performance. I don’t want dividends and fees thrown into the pot, especially when I cannot deduct fee figure manually. Not impressed. :rage:

Please can available cash be added to the top left drop down, please.
So that it is quickly viewable from anywhere in the app.