Hello All
I’ve thought of having a dedicated topic for helping each other filling our tax declaration in the most popular platform in Germany which is Wundertax.
It would be very beneficial if others who have done it before to jump in and give help here on how to calculate these fields using the current export CSV available in the App
YES following the post! It is a real pain to fill this form using the sheet
There’s no English translation
@MostafaMohamed if it helps, Youtube has the option of viewing the transcript. That can be copied and then translated.
It only contains german translations. No English available
@MostafaMohamed yes, just use google translate or deepl after copying from here
Or let’s wait for one of of the folks (expert in german language) to help out with explanation
If you know some German, it’s easy to follow honestly.
Here’s also an easier video to follow: https://youtu.be/QFgyPz5Y7VA
Yup, let’s hope someone who’ve done before jump in and help!
Hello, could anyone figure out how to file taxes online with the information T212 provides?
bumping up the post.
Hey all
I was able to do my tax declaration very easily using wundertax.
I’ve contacted their customer support about my case Using non-german trading platform (Trading212)
and they told me to simply declare the total capital gains in the last step in the tax declaration on the web app, just put it in the text-filed.
I did this and extracted my capital gains from the Trading212 report for the year 2020 and I’ve received my tax declaration assessment from the tax office based on the amount I’ve declared very smoothly with no problems
I’m sharing here the template I’ve used to declare my capital gains.
English Version [For explanation]:
I would like to declare that I have made a profit of a total amount of 1000 Euro from selling stocks with a Foreign UK Brokerage (Trading 212 UK Ltd) for the year 2020. Unfortunately, Trading 212 UK Ltd does not provide a tax certificate by the end of the year like the German brokerages and does not deduct any taxes from me.
German Version [I’ve used]:
Ich möchte hiermit erklären, dass ich für das Jahr 2020 einen Gewinn in Höhe von insgesamt 1000 Euro aus dem Verkauf von Aktien bei einem Foreign UK Brokerage (Trading 212 UK Ltd) erzielt habe. Leider stellt Trading 212 UK Ltd zum Jahresende keine Steuerbescheinigung wie die deutschen Broker aus und zieht von mir keine Steuern ab.
Hope this helps everyone
good to hear you were issue free
@MostafaMohamed thanks for the update. Just to clarify, you did not select you had income from capital gains while filing declaration, correct? You only wrote a paragraph in the last page called “data for tax office” where we put our IBAN etc. and there is an additional field called ‘further data to your tax declaration’.
Exactly , this is what I’ve did