Interest on share lending

Hi all, as a newbie please can someone clarify this for me.

I’m earning daily interest from share lending which appears in my app - no problems there.

The question, is that interest then available on my investment total? If not how do I access those funds (i.e. are they supposed to be withdrawn to my bank account etc)? I’d prefer to reinvest them into my portfolio.

Thanks in advance for the info.


Welcome to the Community, @Paul308 :wave:

Regardless if you select interest on cash or interest on shares, the received funds will be added to your account. These free funds can be sent to your payment methods only if you request a withdrawal. They’re not automatically withdrawn.

@Veselin.V Thank you, So i can’t reinvest them into my portfolio without withdrawing them to my bank first?



I am looking at this too, but remember all earnings are taxable as it is outside the ISA wrapper. (If you are in the UK)

I still don’t know if it is worth, as by the time I work out what I owe in tax if I sell the share at a profit, and if the interest made hits the threshold ETC.

I still have not made up my mind.

Hope it works for you.

No, I don’t think that’s right. If we’re talking about invest account, they’re added to the balance so you can invest the money, it’s not withdrawn.

It’s not necessarily auto-invested if that’s what you mean.