I had bought and sold one share of a stock and then the app said that it “bought another one for my protection” and then sold it soon thereafter FOR A LOSS? Why did it buy a stock and then sell it on its own?? I can send screenshot as evidence that I didn’t authorize any type of buy or sell for that stock! REALLY???
You likely tried to cancel a sell order and placed another one, but both executed. Trading 212 have to do this as you are a retail investor who must have negative balance protection.
It didn’t cancel my order for the longest time and said it was pending and only after the price crashed it bought for a higher price and sold after the crash even though I had cancelled it long before that. How is that fair? If it’s going to cancel a pending order it should just let me cancel it and then let me buy another stock or not let me buy another one at all. There’s no sense in it saying pending a cancelled order and then re-excecuting that after I had an already bought and sold another share for another price. Am I missing something or is that completely absurd. I didn’t have a negative balance since I bought at 5.53 and sold at 7.03. Then I get a bunch of extra notifications saying it sold at a different price or bought at a different price even though I put in one order and cancelled it long before the markets even opened. Now it’s showing 2 buys and 3 sells? How could I buy 2 stocks and sell 3 stocks, and now I have a negative balance after initially making the profit from that 5.53 to 7.03!
It seems you’re doing very quick buying and selling on an invest/ISA, as the name implies you’re investing not trading.
I don’t much about CFD but i think fast trading is what they do there - so maybe consider CFD
I had a double buy yesterday. I bought x number of shares in a stock. A few moments later, I see I have double the shares I purchased. I managed to sell half in order to be at my original quantity. How on earth did this happen (the duplicate buy)?
Did you cancel and and replace some orders while buying?