Hi Newbie here! I’ve just tried to send a limit buy order for THG but it got rejected twice. First time was for 8 shares at 574.44 (GTC). Second time was for 8 shares at 574.44 (End of day). Third time I changed the price to 574.40 and it worked. Can you only send limit buy orders to one decimal place? Thanks
The reason being is that for LSE stocks the price determines the format at which the orders can be sent. In this case, for stocks worth more than 5 GBP, the accepted format looks like this (when the input is in pence) XXX.Xp
I am getting Limit buy order rejected. Why? Simply entering buy 5 @ £52.00 for VFEM, currently quoted at £52.35. Have not seen this happen before.
This post ought not to be flagged. It is not an account related question, but rather something that is likely to be affecting many users.
The issue’s coming from our execution intermediary - we’re working with them to have it resolved. Only ISA accounts are affected,
I’ll keep you posted.
I’m also having trouble buying shares, same thing.
This is a joke. How long is it going to take?
It’s not something that depends on us, I’m afraid, hence why I cannot provide ETA. However, you can be certain that our intermediary will do their best to resolve the matter asap.
I understand things from your side, but it seems whenever there is a problem its never your fault and you wash your hands of it. This is a trading platform, you need to do better. Just missed the dip now and an opportunity to day trade a stock.
T212 piggyback on Interactive Brokers service so the vast majority of cases it will be out of their hands.
Ignoring the factional shares aspect and other custom stuff, in the simplest way T212 is an interface to another businesses product.
IB just confirmed that the matter was resolved, and orders should be executed as usual. We appreciate your patience.