No your fine, I just get annoyed by the sarcastic tone of some users that expect more than what they signed up for. That’s not to say we shouldn’t push for the best service possible and help try to raise the bar.
There’s a lot of things I’m waiting for too - inspecie transfers(handy should 212 hike their fees), ASX segment of the LSE(unlikely this one), Japan market….and so on…
Pies in pies would be cool(and might be a solution for you), but it also gets to a point it becomes over complicated. Pies in pies could allow you to say segregate holdings into countries or sectors, and aggregate upwards. That said, I can also do all of that in a spreadsheet and track on say wallmine.
To me as nice as these may be, more markets, out of hours trading, flexible ISA / other efficient tax wrappers etc are more meaningful.
Have you seen this thread?
I added the pies within pies but missed the pie stock limit . Idea being to show 212 what’s the highest priority from their user base. Never a guarantee but we did get some responses from 212 what was in flight.