More Markets Available

I think Trading212 is getting better and better with features and improving on wait times on Dividends. They even added the Austrian and Belgian Stock markets.

However, I would love to see them expand the selection and add Japanese, Korean, Indian and Canadian exchanges this year.

I like a few stocks but I don’t particularly like the spreads on OTCs so would love to have the option to buy the securities directly!

Would this be a possible thing for this year?

Many thanks.


Iirc. You have to be an Indian citizen to access this market.


I guess we all have to be like Rishi’s Wife and claim Non Dom status I guess. :joy:

Hey, @Venetia1993.

We are glad to see that our efforts don’t go unnoticed. You can be sure that we’ll continue improving further. :muscle:

Otherwise, adding more exchanges is something we have in mind, but we cannot commit to any deadlines yet.


Agree more markets would be excellent, but India and Korea are a pain in the hoop re tax reporting requirements to put it simply so I suspect they will both be a no.

Even if T212 wanted to add more markets, it’s limited by IBKR offer.

Potential Success:

  • Japanese :white_check_mark:
  • Korean :x:
  • Indian :x: → *** Stocks on the NSE are only available to Indian residents. (IBKR)
  • Canadian :white_check_mark:

South Korean markets have limitations for foreigners (capital controls, currency, stocks and other financial instruments). That why some indexes still includes South Korea as an Emerging Market.



Indian NSE Exchange,
Not limited to Indian resident, below guidelines from RBI

Also, around 10 Indian companies (ADR(NYSE)/GDR(LSE)) and 3 ETFs are already available on Trading212.

IBKR is not supporting FII mode as per below link:

Yes but it’s not worth opening India in general for a retail investor due to the tax advisor fees needed to review all your sales in order to repatriate funds.

You need to pay tax on both short and long term capital gains as well as dividends, which you can offset agains prior losses and so on.

The markets need to change with the times, and that will sadly take time. It’s not worth having direct access to Korea/India/China for foreign retail investors due to added complications.


Some other markets may be a possibility such as Australia and Poland, I think this last one was in the likely pipeline for this year so we might get access to it before the end of the year if things have been progressing as the team expected/hoped at the start of the year.


For me, foreign markets besides their financial instruments (stocks, ETFs, bonds, etc) must have 2 very important variables, strong local currency (including free capital movements) and political stability. Besides the usual variable that is common to all markets, liquidity.

E.g., US, Canada, Australia, Switzerland, UK, Germany, Netherlands.

Japan, for me, is a mix of thoughts, although it’s a political stable country and the JPY (and JGB) is considered a safe-haven asset in times of risk off, the JPY and denominated instruments suffer from currency devaluations. Japan since the 90’s bubble burst is living in a low growth economy and low inflation environment, it took almost 30 years to recoup the losses of the 90s bubble burst. Some natural disasters and nuclear risk.

Hong Kong is being eaten by China, with the political, social and economical consequences.

Other Asian countries, the Southeast Asia (e.g. ASEAN countries) are prone to natural disasters, political and social unrest, their currencies are sensible to hot money and currency attacks

In Europe, I see other more relevant markets, besides Poland. For example, the Nordics countries (more politically and economical stable), or Italy (3rd largest EU economy).