Most Wanted Features Poll 2022

Yes it does :joy:
Try it! At least on Android, if you export a holding for 100% of its invested value, the holding is no longer part of the pie allocation, and you must reallocate the remaining positions.

I don’t have Android. There should be a difference between exporting and edit/remove a stock from a pie. I would file a bug if it does like you experience it.

Kinda look like a feature more than a bug, but i guess in some cases it’s a feature one must learn to walk around. :person_shrugging:

I’m on Android. Talking about exporting 100% of a stock from a pie. Not editing the pie.

But when you export 100% it defaults that stock to 0%. So you need to add the difference to something else, then edit it again to change it back to what you want.

I’d also suggest, if I did remove say 5% from a pie allocation it would be good do an auto allocation to the rest of the pie.

Yes, the workaround is to export say 99.5% instead of 100% of the investment. If you wish to keep the allocation in the pie, then it shouldn’t matter if you leave a couple of € in it.


What is the status of the 2nd most wanted feature? @Tony.V