My AutoInvest Pie: 10 stocks with huge upside potential

Shortly after that DD it ratcheted into the 90s. Sank like a stone shortly after - possibly the Sept bloodbath? - and has recouped back to breakeven around the 70s.

Haven’t checked recently though.

I just found out this topic and I can see that this Pie generated such a high return. Do you still think the prices will gow up or is it too late to invest to this Pie? :slight_smile:

Thank you.

Hi @MrSilence - this isn’t my Pie, but is @student007’s.

Probably best if I let him answer that.

But from a general point of view, I don’t think you should be investing in anything based on asking someone you don’t know the question, ‘do you think the price will go up’. And I would recommend (if you don’t know how to already) you learn to do your own due diligence and find your own winners. :+1:t2:

Could not agree more with what Joey has said - there are no shortcuts in being a successful investor - u need to research and know what you know.
If you can’t, then my thoughts are go find a mentor with a verifiable and auditable track record in real time but not a marketing newsletter seller!

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Dropping by to give this guy :rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket::rocket:emojis.

Thank you :pray:. Trolls have gone quiet - it was a good experiment starting this blog back in June when i did. I don’t get much time these days to write here but more active on Twitter.

Quality wins in the end! Buy quality before it becomes the next Facebook or Apple!

Will definitely follow you on twitter. Please update your sub-stack if you get a chance OG. Thanks.

For completeness, the Category Killers crushed the markets in 2020. On reflection, The returns I expected to achieve over the next 3-5years all just came at once in a single year which was unreal and surely I don’t expect such massive outperformance to continue indefinitely.

In light of this I am working on some newer ideas which I will share on Twitter in due course.

For the records, this is how I ended with my personal portfolio for 2020:

Wishing you all a wonderful and successful 2021!


Actually I muted the topic, it was Christmas time after all. :christmas_tree: :santa:

Great selections for the most part and I imagine many will continue to grow in 2021, although as you say, not quite at the same rate.

Retaining your tech-focus or expanding into on-topic sectors like EV and Marijuana?

@student007 Some of us newbies only just joined the forum.

Can you give us a fresh predictions for 2021, everyone recognizes this is not a financial advice and all investments carries risks.

Many thanks

$BTCUSD :muscle: :rocket:

@student007 can you please make a 2021 pie here on T212?