My first Youtube video

Hello guys i create YouTube channel , and finally upload first video.
If you have time to look up be really great.
I still dont know what path to choose, so try first review.


Your setup and editing is real nice. And music/speech level is nicely balanced. Keep going

Thanks I really appreciated! Realy don’t think anyone be watch:D

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Hi, have added this to my watchlist for tomorrow! Congratulations

Thanks mate let me know what to change, already order microphone to not sound like years old :smiley:

How often are you planning to upload videos?

Still like I say , dont know what type channel want, do other app reviews like Freetrade or Nutmeg or focus more like dividends growth channel show what buying myself and explain why. Just after work have my own time and do this first video.
Because I use myself trading 212 from last year try almost all ,FREE’’ alternative apps for invest and stick with this one. I remember time when they don’t have even fractional shares so believe myself on this app.

But to answers your questions wanna do around 1 video a week I think is quite good time interval. especially for this type of videos.

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Just finished! Good video and a great introduction I think - looking forward to more videos

Well done and well explained. Keep up the good job!