@Team212 Foremost I apologise for giving ideas so frequently and overall I am happy with T212, however I have just thought of something that would be quite handy for users of T212, Different cash pots, the idea consisting of customisable pots that act as savings accounts which users could put money aside in separate areas for certain circumstances, so to try and visualise the concept maybe I would want to put X amount aside per month into cash pot 1 which I use for meaningful dips in my positions, cash pot 2 I could utilise for new investments when something becomes attractive, cash pot 3 I could use for money set aside for a annual lump sum deposit into a pie, I do know this is basic money management but I also think this would benefit people such as myself who maybe get a little bit too eager to use funds that ought to be saved for the right moment or circumstances.
I may sound like I am rambling but I am trying to put the idea down into words whilst trying to make it sound like a useful feature that people could use.